2011年6月4日 星期六

Forlán, damn sexy! ( 我恨透你該死的性感 )

* All informations are cited from the official website, all contents are translated in its original meaning without any biased opinion, if not, please contact us.

[ 所有的資訊來自球員官方的社群網站,內容皆照原文翻譯沒有增添任何毀謗的字眼。如有違法,請來信告知謝謝。 ]

Translate [ 翻譯 ]Olivia

(Translate→) With Steve Nash in Miami. Great guy and a great basketball player!!A crack!!!


 You’re bringing your sexy back.
[ 你性感的回來 ]

Them other guys don’t know how to act.
[ 讓其他傢伙無從反擊 ]

I think you're special, so just get your sexy on.
[ 用你的性感迷倒大家吧!因為我知道你有多麼特別 ]

Date:4th June 2011 [ Local Time ]

