2011年5月31日 星期二

Forlán, I get the hurt tingles in a silly place... ( 受傷般的刺痛,我只能傻傻地疼著 )

All informations are cited from the official website, all contents are translated in its original meaning without any biased opinion, if not, please contact us.

所有的資訊來自球員官方的社群網站,內容皆照原文翻譯沒有增添任何毀謗的字眼。如有違法,請來信告知謝謝。 ]

* Translate [ 翻譯 ]:Olivia

 (Translate→) With Zaira in the NBA Finals!!

(翻譯→) 和Zaira在NBA Finals!!

If she is the only girl who could bring you a smile, then there's nothing I could say ... or criticize.
[ 如果,她是那個唯一,能讓你掛起笑容的女孩。那麼,也沒什麼好批判的了 ]

You two looks so match and pretty well. (smile)
[ 你們看起來真的很相配 (微笑) ] 

Mmm ... What am I gonna say?
[ 嗯…這該怎麼說才好呢?]

The strange feeling starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose.
[ 有種陌生的感覺從腳尖開始蔓延,忍不住皺了皺鼻子 ] 

Probaly ... is jealousy, just a little bit ...
[ 或許…只是在忌妒罷了,有一點 ]

Date:31st May 2011 [ Local Time ]

